Well, nothing but music, and sunlight, and prayers in their heart-spun arc towards the tabernacle. And Love returning, burning and flowing from the altar.
Yes, what a terrible waste love is. What a slap in the face of utilitarianism and frugality. "The money could have been used to feed the poor," we can hear today's Judas' whining. But to waste, to pour out, to squander is the very nature of love.
The ones who built this Holy Hill, this Holy Temple, were kin to that woman of the gospels, who broke the alabaster flask of oil and "wasted" it, pouring it out onto the feet of Jesus. Thank God for her. Thank God for them. May we in our soulless strip malls, opaque office centers, and hollow gymnasium churches learn something from the extravagance of their love.
You got it Will! Hallmark didn't get to where they are by producing blank cards. Da
So true! Lord grant that we might all be so extravagent with our love! I'm looking forward to talking with you on the air today at five. Blessings-- Heidi Saxton
Hello Heidi! Me too, this should be a great interview. I'll be giving you a call in the next hour or so to touch base. Thanks for the comment.
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