Monday, June 11, 2007

Tuesday's Radio Show - The Crusades Revisited: A Cause for Shame or Fame? What's a Catholic to Think?

"The crusades are quite possibly the most misunderstood event in European history. Ask a random American about them and you are likely to see a face wrinkle in disgust, or just the blank stare that is usually evoked by events older than six weeks. After all, weren't the crusaders just a bunch of religious nuts carrying fire and sword to the land of the Prince of Peace?"
- Thomas Madden

Hmmm.... or is there more to this piece of history than meets the eye? This week I'll be interviewing Thomas F. Madden, associate professor and chair of the Department of History at Saint Louis University on the timely topic of the Crusades, a controversial era in history that is getting more and more focus in these days with the War on Terror and radical Islamist groups calling for jihad.

Madden is the author of numerous works, including A Concise History of the Crusades, and co-author, with
Donald Queller, of The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople. Visit his website at

To call into the show with your thoughts or questions.... in the Philadelphia region: 610-527-2906 or outside the Philadelphia region, call toll free: 888-343-2484

Date: Tuesday, June 12
Time: 5pm to 6pm EST @ 800 AM
or live via

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