Monday, August 02, 2010

Expecting Grace

My wife posted a beautiful series of simple, a cappella songs she composed and sang for our little ones, loved and lost through miscarriage over the past seven years. There are special hymns for Grace Elizabeth, our precious daughter who lived just 10 hours in this world, and for our little boy who is almost and unbelievably two years old. I hope you can consider supporting her music, again, composed in the midst of our first steps with infertility, through the hidden gifts of the Snowflakes adoption program, and into the "cross walk" of our days with our unborn Grace.  She sings of the day Grace came, and returned to God, and she sings of the little Simon - our adopted baby boy - who came not a moment to soon to help us carry that cross. The link for the CD is here.

We pray for any and everyone ever touched by the pain of infertility, the loss of a child, and for those discerning adoption. Our full story of Grace is here, and we always welcome thoughts, questions, and comments on these most intimate of faith/life issues.

Peace and Prayers,
The Donaghys


Helen said...

Every so often I check your blog because you tend to touch on things and write about stuff that I truly appreciate. I don't have much time to blog and write now, as our little "baby" just turned 2 this past week. Time flies doesn't it! I guess I also like to keep a "finger on" your family life because some things are common with my husband's and mine (battle with infertility, adoption of a miracle baby) Okay, so it may only be 2 things....aside from the vast array of Catholic traditions that make us one seems like so much more!
I hope and pray that your beautiful family is enjoying the summer.
God bless, Helen

The Heart of Things said...

Hi Helen! And what a beautiful gift your daughter is! Rebecca and I have known of your story and feel the same connection. Our little guy will be two next month, and as you may know, was on a path towards abortion as well. Thanks to a Pro-Life witness he's been given LIFE. How can we thank God enough for the light these children bring into the world?! How can abortion "fix" anything?

Thanks for popping in on the blog, and have a blessed summer as well...


Talking to Your Little Ones About the Big Topic of Sex

A much repeated sentence we hear at our Theology of the Body retreats and courses is "I wish I heard this when I was younger!" ...