Thursday, July 16, 2009

Prayers for Little Mary's Family

For those who have followed the story of little Mary Coffey, please know that she went home to God yesterday morning. Having lost our daughter Grace this past January, their story has been especially close to our hearts. Grace lived just 10 hours, little Mary was nearly three years old, and now these precious ones will always be remembered... always! The cross of their pain and suffering has been planted deep in our hearts, and has already touched so many! Now Grace and Mary both dance in Heaven's Song; as Catholics we believe in this reality! But the notes to that Song can sometimes seem very distant. May God comfort the Coffey's now, and all who have lost a little one, with the healing balm of His peaceful Presence. 
My friend Tony has captured a beautiful memory of seeing Mary Coffey the day before yesterday  and I wanted to share it with you below. His blog is here - The Joyful Faith
WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2009 Mary Coppa Coffey
Our great friends Jim and Felicia lost their beautiful and wonderful daughter this morning. We are so sad to lose this amazing treasure, but as Jim said to me this morning, they are at peace knowing that they have a Saint in heaven watching over them forever. they have all ready fullfilled their role as parents, they raised a Saint, they brought to the world a saint, and now she will be spending her time in heaven doing good on earth for her family and for others. I wanted to relate a story about Mary, I went and saw her yesterday, and it was really a very meaningful experience for me. Here was a little child who just underwent heart-surgery, but she was performing heart surgery on me, literally, staring at her was ripping my heart open. In the 20 minutes I was with her, I was beginning to understand something of beauty, and how much the world needs Mary. I thought to myself many times, wow, she is so beautiful, it taught me an amazing lesson, to look past the surface and look right to the heart, look right to the soul. Her grandpop said something to me that also struck me, without souls like Mary, the world would fall apart," Its good for our human hearts to burst when we see such beauty.


Moira Murphy said...

Thanks for sharing this sad yet inspiring story. My husband Dennis works for Mary's uncle Nick and we have been keeping Mary and her family in our prayers. When I first learned of Grace's return to God I listened to "Pie Jesu" from the CD The Priests over and over, and I find myself doing that again today--"Pie Jesu Qui tollis peccata mundi Dona eis requiem Agnus Dei Dona eis requiem sempiternam..." May Mary and Grace rest forever in the loving embrace of Jesus.

The Heart of Things said...

And thank you for sending us that gift of a song. It is a true lullaby in the best sense of the word.

The Heart of Things said...

The latest update from Jim and Felicia, Mary's mom and dad:

Talking to Your Little Ones About the Big Topic of Sex

A much repeated sentence we hear at our Theology of the Body retreats and courses is "I wish I heard this when I was younger!" ...