Thursday, October 11, 2007

Radio Show #27 - Wayne Laugesen

My guest last night on the Radio Show was Wayne Laugesen, a husband and father of five boys, a journalist, and along with his wife Dede, the co-director of two Catholic projects.

"Children’s brains and personalities are primarily formed in the years before they can converse, let alone read. With this in mind, The Rosary Project seeks to introduce very young children to the "Language of Prayer," and to saints, music, art and the love of God through entertaining, visually stimulating media. Our Holy Baby! DVD products teach infants, toddlers and small children that God is good, life is joy and prayer is fun." (

The second project is called the Windhover Foundation. Its goal is to bring prayer and encouragement to soldiers, their families and the military chaplains who serve them. "With our rosary packets, we provide durable, field-tested Catholic prayer resources to soldiers and their families. The rosaries we send to the troops are hand-tied by U.S. citizens—the very people who benefit most from the many sacrifices of the men and women of our armed forces."

You can read a sample of Wayne's writing here. This is the article we discussed entitled "Contracepting the environment – Birth-control poisoning of streams leave U.S. environmentalists mum"

Wayne, his wife Dede, and their boys live in Boulder, Colorado.

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